Some Links

Some links to external resources

  • LaTeX for Linguists: A (somewhat dated) guide for using LaTeX for linguistic purposes
  • LaTeX/Linguistics: a brief wikibook guide to some using LaTeX for linguistic purposes
  • OT Tableau Generator: Kevin Ryan’s OT tableau generator for LaTeX
  • Table Editor: A tool for making tables more easily in a variety of formats such as LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, etc.
  • RSyntaxTree: A webapp that takes bracket notation and outputs syntactic trees as images
  • Sapling: A point-and-click WYSIWYG webapp that outputs syntactic trees as images
  • Various online corpora that are freely searchable
  • Typological Database of Intensifiers and Reflexives: A searchable database of reflexives, emphatic reflexives, and even some other focus morphology!
  • LSA: The Linguistic Society of America
  • LinguistList: the place to find conference calls, job announcements, and much more!