Reflexive Binding and English Prosody

Looking at reflexivity through lenses of prosodic strength and syntactic locality

The distribution of reflexive anaphors has been traditionally treated with only one set of constraints for all (non-exempt) cases. This work shows that, when possible, binding by a local subject involves an additional grammatical atom: a reflexive voice head. This reflexive voice head has syntactic and semantic properties that, without no additional grammatical machinery, derive a large number of patterns in reflexivity including: prosodic patterns in English, morphosyntactic expression across languages, interpretation under focus, and the distribution of strict and sloppy readings.

some work in this project

  1. Ahn, Byron. 2017, May. (In Search of) Universals in Reflexive Syntax. Talk presented at Cambridge Comparative Syntax 6.
  2. Ahn, Byron. 2016. Reflexes of Reflexivity: Locality and the Interfaces. Proceedings from the 50th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society.
  3. Ahn, Byron. 2015. Giving Reflexivity a Voice: Twin Reflexives in English. UCLA dissertation.
  4. Ahn, Byron. 2014, April. Reflexes of Reflexivity: Locality and the Interfaces. Talk presented at CLS 50, University of Chicago.
  5. Ahn, Byron & Dominique Sportiche. 2014. Bind Locally Indeed. In Carson T. Schütze & Linnaea Stockall (eds.), Connectedness: Papers by and for Sarah VanWagenen, Vol. 18, 61–69.
  6. Ahn, Byron. 2013, July. Universality and Subject-Oriented Reflexivity. Talk presented at the ICL 19, Geneva, Switzerland.
  7. Ahn, Byron. 2012. External Argument Focus and the Syntax of Reflexivity. Coyote Papers: Working Papers in Linguistics, Linguistic Theory at the University of Arizona 20.
  8. Ahn, Byron. 2012, January. The Prosody of Binding: Reflexive Voice and Default Sentential Stress. Talk presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the LSA, Portland, OR.
  9. Ahn, Byron. 2011, May. Explorations of Voice, Identity and the Self. Poster presented at Parallel Domains: A workshop in honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, University of Southern California.